Looking for a critique of your book project?
You've come to the right place! A manuscript critique—a detailed analysis of your manuscript—is ideal if you are hoping to land your first literary agent, attempting to break back into the market after having traditionally or self-published, or you are simply looking to improve your craft. I welcome the opportunity to review manuscripts in the following genres and categories:
•Young adult and middle grade fiction (realistic fiction for the 8+ market)
•Adult fiction (commercial women’s fiction, literary fiction, and fiction with multicultural themes)
My editorial services are designed for writers who have completed (or almost completed) a draft of their novel and have an idea of where it would fit in the marketplace. All services include insight into the trade publishing process based on market trends and recent book deals, both of which I follow regularly.
Full Manuscript Critique Details
On up to 100,000 words/the equivalent of 400 typeset pages
A 4-6 page singled spaced editorial letter with positive and constructive feedback on the main elements of the story, including plot, characterization, and themes
A line edit of your first few chapters (generally includes 40-65 comments via Word’s comment feature)
Feedback on your query letter (if applicable)
A 45-minute follow-up phone or video meeting (or answers to specific questions about the edits via email)
Insight into the trade publishing process
Plenty of food for thought
Rates begin at $1500 for a 35,000-word manuscript (full manuscripts should be at least this length) and depend on the project’s length, genre, scope, and complexity.
Generally, 50% is due on the agreement to proceed and 50% is due on the delivery of the edits, but dividing the payments into thirds is also an option.
Higher fees may apply if your project is longer than 100,000 words.
Lower fees may apply if you decide to resubmit your work based on my feedback.
Payment is by PayPal or check.
Submission & Payment Process
Please send me a brief description of your book project (up to 250 words) and a short sample (up to 2500 words) via my Contact page. Also tell me a little about yourself and how you found my website.
If I feel that I can be of help, I would provide some initial comments on your sample pages. Then, if the comments resonate with you, I would create a schedule with potential delivery and payment dates for your approval.
If it doesn’t look like your work is the right fit for my experience, I may be able to refer you to another editor.
Once we decide to work together, I would request an electronic copy of your manuscript and query letter (separate Word documents), along with your payment for the agreement to proceed. The final payment would be due after you receive my feedback but prior to our phone meeting.
Turn-Around Time
My turn-around time for a full manuscript critique is usually 6 weeks from the start date of the project. Please see my Contact page for information about when I can begin my next critique. A specific time frame will be determined once we've agreed to work together.